Digital Transformation

• Technology Adoption • Data-driven Decision Making • Customer Experience Enhancement • Agile and Innovative Culture • Business Process Optimization • Cross-functional Collaboration • Cybersecurity and Compliance • Ecosystem Partnerships • Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Data and AI

Together, data and AI form a powerful combination in the digital transformation landscape. Data fuels AI algorithms, enabling them to learn and make intelligent decisions, while AI technologies enhance the processing and utilization of vast amounts of data, leading to more informed and strategic decision-making for businesses.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a foundational technology for businesses, enabling them to innovate, scale, and adapt more efficiently to changing technological and market demands.

IT Strategy & Advisory

IT Strategy & Advisory services are essential for organizations looking to leverage technology strategically, navigate the rapidly evolving IT landscape, and ensure that their technology investments align with their broader business objectives.

Software Implementation

Successful software implementation is essential for realizing the intended benefits of the software and ensuring a smooth transition for end-users. It requires collaboration between various stakeholders, including IT teams, end-users, project managers, and software vendors.

Business Process Optimization

Business Process Optimization is a continuous and iterative effort that requires a commitment to ongoing improvement. By focusing on optimizing processes, organizations can achieve operational excellence, enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and increase overall agility in responding to market changes.



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About Us

Sanmit Technologies is a global technology consulting firm. We provide comprehensive services in IT strategy, advisory, implementation, management and optimization.

We believe in creating value for our customers by creating and leveraging accelerators, solutions, and specialized training programs. This helps in cost optimization and time to market with better customer experience. We also have a dedicated program for upskilling teams, ensuring they have the right skills and knowledge to excel in required technologies.

We specialize in:

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is an ongoing process that requires commitment from leadership and engagement from employees.

Data and AI

AI is employed to automate repetitive tasks, enhance decision-making processes, improve efficiency.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources, including computing power, storage and applications.

IT Strategy & Advisory

Developing a comprehensive strategy that leverages technology to drive business success, improve efficiency and gain a competitive advantage.

Software Implementation

It involves the transition from the planning and development phases to the active use of the software to meet specific business needs.

Business Process Optimization

The systematic examination and improvement of an organization's business processes to enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.

Our Services

Digital Transformation

Our Digital Transformation solutions speed up processes by automating them. We strive to deliver the value by identifying the through strategic assessment of the existing processes/strategy and then offer key insights to drive digital strategy. Our digital transformation team, equipped with subject expertise and considerable experience, develop right framework by understanding the operating models and matching them with industry's best practices. We have reduced operating costs and execution time for the companies ranging from small-to-medium enterprises to large-scale enterprises by enhancing their digital transformation strategy and unlock their digital potential to accelerate sustainable changes.

Data and AI

Data is the foundation / plumbing for an organization’s information management roadmap. Data can provide you the actionable insights / analytics that allows you to stay ahead of your competition. Better decisions and predictable outcomes can be achieved by data-driven companies and thus they can provide better service to their customers. But, a shaky foundation in data cannot be used to leverage new technologies today (or in the future). Leveraging data can be only as good as the reliability and integrity of the source data and how it is stored/managed/accessed. We have robust framework to assess the health of your data and create a road-map for meeting short term and long term goals of yoru organization. We design, implement and manage data-driven IT that delivers insights real-time. We help you with data governance and transform data using our knowledge of data and AI to create value.

Cloud Computing

What does day-to-day cloud work entail? Firstly, the burden of management and maintenance is no longer solely on your shoulders. Secondly, there's a radical shift in your work approach. You'll be delving into a fresh cost model, a novel method of consumption, and a redefined concept of capacity.

To maximize the advantages of the cloud and enjoy its perks, a profound understanding of both the technology and your business goals is essential.

We specialize in assisting those venturing into the cloud for the first time and digital natives in optimizing their cloud platforms. Our services span from constructing a dependable and scalable infrastructure to implementing cloud-native solutions, evaluating in-house expertise, overseeing cloud expenditures, and providing team training.

IT Strategy & Advisory

SanmIT Technology offers IT Strategy and advisory solutions aimed at elevating your organization's insight into its infrastructure and services, averting service disruptions, and optimizing operational agility. We aspire to shape a future where IT infrastructure seamlessly integrates human expertise with AI capabilities to enhance flexibility and efficiency. Our digitally-enabled workforce solutions are designed to lower costs and mitigate risks associated with critical shared services across various enterprise systems. By expediting your setup process and addressing all your enterprise requirements, we enable your internal IT department to concentrate on high-value tasks that fuel the innovation your customers anticipate.

Software Development/Implementation/Management/Optimization

SanmIT Technologies stands as a trailblazer in crafting inventive software solutions, leveraging blockchain, web3, ML, AI, and other avant-garde technologies. Our proficiency extends to developing reliable, scalable, and secure software solutions compatible with any operating system, browser, or device. Merging profound industry knowledge with the latest IT breakthroughs, we deliver tailored solutions and products that seamlessly align with the unique needs and behaviors of users.

Our team of seasoned developers is committed to assisting businesses and organizations in staying at the forefront of technological advancements. We specialize in constructing purpose-specific and groundbreaking custom software and applications. Our comprehensive range of services includes:

  • Software consulting
  • Custom software development
  • Software development outsourcing
  • Software product development
  • Team augmentation
  • Cloud application development
  • Legacy software modernization

With a focus on innovation and client-centric solutions, SanmIT Technologies is dedicated to driving excellence in the realm of software development.


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Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

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Sara Wilsson


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Jena Karlis

Store Owner

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Matt Brandon


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John Larson


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